Environment variable XCOM_HOME not set after XCOM for Windows r11.6 SP03 silent installation‏
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Environment variable XCOM_HOME not set after XCOM for Windows r11.6 SP03 silent installation‏


Article ID: 212157


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XCOM Data Transport - Windows


After successfully installing r11.6 SP03 with a silent installation, when installing an XCOM patch received errorlevel=113.   
As is explained in the patch ReadMe page for error 113, the environment variable XCOM_HOME (%XCOM_HOME%) was not set, 
After restarting the server, %XCOM_HOME% was set correctly to chosen install directory c:\xcomnt and the installation of the patch was successful (ended with errorlevel=0).
Does a server with a new XCOM r11.6 SP03 installation need to be restarted after the install to set the XCOM_HOME environment variable etc?


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 SP03


Support tested a silent install on a clean Windows using the r11.6 SP03 XCOM.exe installer with install directory c:\xcomnt and did not encounter any problem with the environment variable XCOM_HOME not being created.
After the silent install completed as expected, there is no environment variable XCOM_HOME created under the existing command prompt but after starting a new command prompt the environment variable is visible:

Also, the environment variable XCOM_HOME is visible under Control Panel/System/Advanced System Settings:

In the installer log file "%XCOM_HOME%\Uninstaller_R116SP03\Logs\CA_XCOM_Data_Transport__r11.6_SP03_(64-bit)_Install_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.log" XCOM_HOME is also shown as being set.
Set Environment Variable: XCOM_HOME = c:\xcomnt
                          Status: SUCCESSFUL

The root cause of the missing XCOM_HOME environment variable was confirmed as being that the same command prompt was used to install the patch straight after the SP03 silent install.

A new command prompt is required to pick up the new environment variables. In summary, a restart of the server is not required after the r11.6 SP03 install.

Additional Information

XCOM Data Transport for Windows 12.0 Run the installer in Silent Mode

Another possible root cause of this type of problem is in instances where connecting to the Windows server using a non-interactive login session, it doesn't get complete environment variables.