Autoping is successful and the agent services are running fine but jobs are failing with exit code "4039" and agent status as "User authentication failed".
We see the following in the spool files.
Tue Apr 6 07:13:04 2021 CAWA_I_20150 PAM login: Authenticating user autosysuser with su
Tue Apr 6 07:13:04 2021 CAWA_E_20150 PAM login: Could not start session - pam_open_session failed:Module is unknown.Error code: -1
Release : 11.3, 12.0
Component : AutoSys
Component : Agents
The client had inadventantly added pam settings in the agentparm.txt file
Those setting tell the agent to make pam calls which the system was not configured to handle.
Comment out the two lines out and restart the agent jobs.
Or work with the system administrator to install and configure pam.
For more details on agentparm.txt settings see: