Alarm Suppression doesn't occur despite creating alarm suppression entries in the alarmSuppressor.csv file.
Release : 2.0.0*
The alarm suppression entries are manually made to the alarmSuppressor.csv file located in the following directory on your MOI appliance: var/opt/moi/config/profiler/etc/opt/CA/itoa/profiler/alarmManager/
Here are helpful hints to avoid the alarm suppression entries not being applied correctly:
First Big Hint: The first line of the alarmSuppressor.csv file must be the header line: METRIC_NAME,SUPPRESSED_SEVERITIES,MIN_THRESHOLD
If this line is missing from the alarmSuppressor.csv file, alert suppression will not occur at all and the following error messages will be repeated over and over in the profiler-alarm-manager.log located
in the MOI appliance folder, /var/opt/moi/data2/profiler/var/opt/CA/itoa/profiler/logs :
2021-06-03 13:38:18.573 INFO 93 --- [rmManagerWorker] c.c.o.e.a.m.s.AlarmSuppressor : Loading alert suppression rules
2021-06-03 13:38:18.587 INFO 93 --- [rmManagerWorker] c.c.o.e.a.m.s.AlarmSuppressor : Loading alert suppression rules from csv
2021-06-03 13:38:18.588 ERROR 93 --- [rmManagerWorker] c.c.o.e.a.m.AlarmManagerWorker : Processing failed with: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for event {"groupId": "ad67e63d-df1a-45f4-bd73-d492f68d35b7", "product": "SYSVIEW", "productVersion": "16.00990", "version": "1.0", "documentId": null, "MetricSource": {"policy": null, "system": "CPUJ", "entity": "ZosJob_WEBSERV", "metric": "342c5d0b79f037cb03e2f27dbe8bdf0aa57ce674", "metricValue": "1716224", "time": 1622727480000, "timeOffset": -10400.0, "metricExtension": null, "metricType": "CountAvg", "metricInterval": "1", "encodedMetric": "JOBRSTG", "entityMap": {"ZosJob": "WEBSERV"}, "algorithm": "kde", "metricClass": "JOBRSTG", "category": "ZosJob", "subCategory": "ZosJobStorage"}, "GreenHighway": {"percentile": "0.99999", "zoneAHigh": "1708032.00000", "zoneBHigh": "1708032.00000", "zoneCHigh": "1708032.00000", "center": "1708032.00000", "zoneCLow": "1708032.00000", "zoneBLow": "1708032.00000", "zoneALow": "1708032.00000", "alertCode": "1", "errorCode": "0", "errorMessage": "\"ok\"", "anomalyScore": 100, "anomalousState": false}, "IncidentEvent": null, "Notifier": null, "isPartOfCluster": false, "metricPath": [], "lastState": null, "logicalRoute": null}.
Additional hints:
Please stop and start the alarm manager microservice using the MTCAC UI as shown below to ensure your changes are applied. Please wait until the alarm manager microservice starts up and reaches a healthy status to verify the alarm suppression entries are working.