After installing/upgrading to 14.5, remote DSM Explorer may see error:
DB error: incorrect SQL syntax [CMM000193]
This error appears while trying to open or evaluate a Dynamic Group.
Client Automation - 14.5
Looking at TRC_GUI logs, the following can be seen:
DETAIL | ProcessReplySingle return code: 193
DETAIL | ProcessReplySingle error <193, ADO Version 6.3 - ExecuteCommandPointer [] -COM Error: ErrorCode:-2147217900,WordErrorCode:3092, IDispatch error #3092, Invalid column name 'ag_ag_rl_version'., Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0, (null)>
ERROR | OpenVirtualListCB error getting list count, 193
DETAIL | Return from CO_API_OpenVirtualListCb. RC = 193. Operation took 1.0125s
INFO | MessageBox (Single item) - Item: All x86 desktops (ITRMAssetGroup) Message: "DB error: incorrect SQL syntax [CMM000193]" Details: "ADO Version 6.3 - ExecuteCommandPointer [] -COM Error: ErrorCode:-2147217900,WordErrorCode:3092, IDispatch error #3092, Invalid column name 'ag_ag_rl_version'., Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0, (null)"
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