A CCSR010E TSSRSVCS U4095 dump was created under BMC MainView task.
Release : 16.0
Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS
The Dump shows the following
RIDS/N#A#L Load module name: N#A
RIDS/N#A Csect name: N#A
AB/U4095 User Abend code: 4095
PRCS/0000BAD3 Abend reason code: 0000BAD3
The U4095 abend reason code BAD3 is not one of Broadcom's abends.
It is a User abend issued by a BMC program.
From the dump BMC code is executing before the U4095 abend.
The dump has been taken by TSS because of its ESTAE set when dealing with
a security SVC call.
The problem is with BMC Mainview