When trying to onfigure autosys EEM setting in autosys_secure
the following errors are seen:
CAUAJM_E_10436 Security server unreachable or invalid authentication certificate file.
CAUAJM_E_10434 Error initiating security session.
[Attach Error: Failed to set SAF location]
[CertificateReader::loadPEM - cannot read certificate]
Do you wish to regenerate the CA EEM certificate and attempt to reconnect? [1(yes)/0(no)]:
And when we attempt to regenerate the certificate we see:
CAUAJM_E_10443 Security server unreachable or invalid credentials.
CAUAJM_E_10434 Error initiating security session.
CAUAJM_E_10437 Detailed Error Information:
[EE_SAFFAILED Failed to set SAF location]
[Attach Error: Failed to set SAF location]
CAUAJM_E_60199 Unable to generate the CA EEM certificate. See previous error messages for details.
CAUAJM_E_60196 An error occurred attempting to set CA EEM instance security. Instance remains under NATIVE security control.
Autosys 11.3.6.x 12.x
This process resets the EEM information in the database and makes sure the AUTOSERV value is correct
delete from aedbadmin.ujo_keymaster where hostid = 'SECURITY';
update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'JOB';
update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'EVT';
delete from aedbadmin.ujo_alamode where type = 'SEC';
delete from aedbadmin.ujo_blobs where blob_id = 'SAFECERT';
MS SQL: ( this needs to be run on the scheduler database default AEDB)
delete from ujo_keymaster where hostid = 'SECURITY';
update ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'JOB';
update ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'EVT';
delete from ujo_alamode where type = 'SEC';
delete fromujo_blobs where blob_id = 'SAFECERT';
Run the below query to double-check the settings:
select str_val,type from aedbadmin.ujo_alamode where type like 'AUTO%';
select str_val,type from ujo_alamode where type like 'AUTO%';
Confirm the variables $AUTOSERV and $AUTOUSER are correct.
Confirm the $AUTOUSER/eiam* and logger* files on the as_server machines contain the correct AUTOSERV.
Restart the as_servers.
If you run into an error please see the below 2 KB articles: