Can Sysview for Db2 (IDB2) monitor and alert for hung/stalled thread(s)?
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Can Sysview for Db2 (IDB2) monitor and alert for hung/stalled thread(s)?


Article ID: 211796


Updated On: 03-31-2021


SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


When applications connect to Db2 with threads that stay active and never end either due to hanging or looping is there a way for IDB2 to monitor them and then process an alert or cancel after five minutes of no activity.   


Release : 20.0

Component : CA SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Usage of the Sysview for Db2 (IDB2) Exception Processor will facilitate this ability to monitor and then alert or cancel the threads that have stalled or are looping (after five minutes).  Via Option 0 Permanent Exception definitions in IDB2 for Application exceptions, there exists pre-defined thread exceptions that could be sculpted to address this need.  Also, a new enhancement ptf SO16300 has been developed that allows delta processing of IFCID148, and introduces a new IQL based exception - THRDEXCP.  The two exceptions it introduces are for threads that did not commit anything in the last interval, and for threads that are suspected of looping.