After clicking the "Download Support Bundle" the bundle processes for 30 minutes and fails to download, or produces a very small ZIP file with only a single README.MD file contained within.
Release : 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1
This can be caused when log files have grown too large for the support bundle routine to gather up within the 30 minute window that is allotted to the routine.
SSH into the application server
Run the following command
$ docker ps | grep _alm
Sample Output:
17f009a362a1 <HOST_IP_ADDRESS>:9874/rallysoftware-ac2go-alm:23677-2.0.1 "run /_run/start_ser…" 8 days ago Up 8 days 7001/tcp repl10aeecc4_alm.1.pg4ykc4066094y5dv44xnugfr
Make a note of the container ID in the far left
Use that container ID to run the following command:
$ docker exec -it 17f009a362a1 bash
Next change directory to the application logs directory with the following command:
$ cd /mnt/logs/alm
There are several classes of logs that can be deleted:
Log files are compressed by date using year-month-date notation.
Only delete as many log files as you are comfortable purging. It is recommended to maintain 30 days of logs if the size of the logs is not overly large and causing issues.
To delete all application.log files from 2019, use a command as follows:
$ rm application.log.2019-*
To delete all access.log files from March of 2020, use a command as follows:
$ rm access.log.2020-03-*