Messaging Gateway sends Alert indicating one or more services has stopped
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Messaging Gateway sends Alert indicating one or more services has stopped


Article ID: 211684


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Messaging Gateway


Messaging Gateway (SMG) sometimes sends Alert messages indicating that a service has stopped but when the service status is checked from the SMG Control Center or command line, the service is running as expected.

Example alert message:

======================= ALERT NOTIFICATION ================================              

The following system components are not responding/working:

Host                     Component                Problem
Scanner-1                CONDUIT                  Stopped
Local Host               CONDUIT                  Stopped



  • SMG restarts some services when making configuration changes and restarts the conduit service on a scheduled basis to address a memory utilization issue.
  • When alerts for "Service shutdown" events are enabled, this scheduled service restart may generate an alert message.



These alerts may be safely ignored or disabled by unchecking the "Service shutdown" event in Administration > Alerts.