Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: machine: x86_64
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: Could not figure out what Linux version you are running!
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: Please report the following system information to [email protected]
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: System information:
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: sysname: Linux
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: node :
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: release: 4.18.0-240.8.1.el8_3.x86_64
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: version: #1 SMP Fri Dec 4 12:24:03 EST 2020
Mar 30 14:15:36:972 [139841540478272] Controller: inst_pkg - warning, no compatible package sections found for package 'robot_update'
- Compatibility issue
The Robot Support Matrix can be found under the UIM Compatibility Matrix documentation here:
The minor version (.3) should not matter.
Download and use the latest nimldr package v9.36 to reinstall the robot.
and download and use the install package:
Nimsoft Infrastructure for 64 Linux (clibc 2.3 or higher on x86 64 bit)
Due to RedHat removing old libraries that many older products rely on, not all versions of Red Hat 8 will be compatible. If you are a paying Red Hat Enterprise customer, some of these old libraries are available for download.
Here is a link from RedHat talking about how they changed the C and C++ libraries and vendors may have to rewrite their code.
Migrating C and C++ applications from Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 to version 8 - Red Hat Developer
You can test if any probe is missing a library by going to the probe folder and running ldd <probe_name>. It will list any missing libraries.
[root@ cdm]# pwd
[root@ cdm]# ldd cdm => (0x00007fffa8997000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f435e02f000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f435de27000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f435dc23000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f435d921000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f435d554000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f435e24b000)