Unable to remember the previously selected report in asset management page
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Unable to remember the previously selected report in asset management page


Article ID: 211660


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Asset Management Solution IT Management Suite


The customer noticed after upgrading to ITMS 8.5 RU4 that under Home> Service and Asset Management> Manage Configuration Items> Ci Management> Computer and Peripherals > Computers, if you select a report and go to another page and coming back, it goes back to the default "All Computers" view. Not the one they were on.  

Steps to duplicate:

1. Go to Settings> Notification Server> Resource and Data Class Settings> Resource Types> Asset Types> IT> Computer. Add a report under "Associated reports" (we are using "Agent Registration Status" as an example) and save the changes.

2. Go to Home> Service and Asset Management> Manage Configuration Items> Ci Management> Computer and Peripherals > Computers

3. Select the newly added report and let it run.

4. Go to another page. Come back to Home> Service and Asset Management> Manage Configuration Items> Ci Management> Computer and Peripherals > Computers and you will see that it get back to the "All Computers" one instead of the previously selected one.




ITMS 8.5 RU4 and 8.6.


Known issue. The ASP.NET "flow" is broken for this page, namely - in AssetListPage and ResourceTypeReportControl.


This issue has been reported to our Symantec Development team. This was fixed in the ITMS 8.6 RU1 release.