FAQ Reporter DB purge
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FAQ Reporter DB purge


Article ID: 211656


Updated On: 02-27-2024


CA Automic Dollar Universe


We want to run the purge of reporter DB. We have some question pertaining to that mentioned below

  • Which tables the data will be purged from?
  • Do purge taking longer time impacts the system?
  • What do you want to shrink ? Tablespace or tables or index?
  • What is Redo Log?
  • Is there any activity need to be done post purge?


Release : 6.x

Component : Dollar Universe

Sub-Component: Reporter Server


  • Which tables the data will be purged from?

As per document Purge for Reporter the below data will be removed

    • Removes report generation history data from the database together with internal output stored under <Reporter>\data\reports\internal\jasperprints older than 180 days (by default).
    • It does not remove PDF or HTML output.
    • The data from Technical Database Tables i.e.   UNI_EVT_REPORTS, UNI_EVT_TECH_REPORTS will be removed, along with above mentioned.
    • Reporter purge will not purge data from table UNI_EVT_AUDITTRAIL , if extraction of the AUDIT Trail of the nodes (as defined in the reporter extraction parameters), the data should be purge manually by DBA, with a delete statement.
  • Do purge taking longer time impacts the system?

If the purge running for the first time or on large data size, it will only impact the extractions from running in case if the purge is going to take long time to complete depending on data size. It is recommended to run purge in non-peak hours. To increase the performance of the purge the retention count can be increased from default of 180 days to 360/720 or higher and slowly reduced. It will make sure that the data to be processed under purge is reduced.

  • What do you want to shrink ? Tablespace or tables or index?

In most common configuration of Database the auto-shrink is turned off and auto-extend is turned on. Henceforth, the DBA will need to shrink the Tablespace post removal of purge records which may require rebuilding of indexes.

  • What is Redo Log?

This is very specific to Oracle Database. Please refer the document Oracle Managing Redo Log

  • Is there any activity need to be done post purge?

The most common activity is to shrink Tablespace and re-indexing.


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