IWS EV logs show [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Next File Start Time Prediction is:Mon Feb 22 07:22:00 EST 2021 but file start time is:Mon Feb 22 07:42:00 EST 2021
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IWS EV logs show [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Next File Start Time Prediction is:Mon Feb 22 07:22:00 EST 2021 but file start time is:Mon Feb 22 07:42:00 EST 2021


Article ID: 211640


Updated On: 10-02-2023


Automic Automation Intelligence


IWS files not processing: 


[AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Next File Start Time Prediction is:Mon Feb 22 07:22:00 EST 2021 but file start time is:Mon Feb 22 07:42:00 EST 2021


Release : 6.2.0-1



This can occur if the event files sent by IWS are sent in different intervals then they normally should. 


The IWS connector expects to receive files in order and if it received files out of order it will pause until it sees the correct file come in.


In this case, there was something strange about the order of files from 2/22 that it is getting hung up on.  The collector will keep pausing if it keeps seeing files out of sequence.

Usually these files are coming in 4-5 minutes apart for for this IWS scheduler.


However if you look at events.210222.0748, the next file should be events.210222.0752 or events.210222.0753, instead it is events.210222.0749 the they next file is events.210222.0750.  


You can see from the directory listing the files are usually coming in with timestamps 4 minutes apart, but around the 0748 it changes.  The logs are trying to start for the 0749 file and not seeing the expected timestamps.


Also based on the logs, the expected event times were not matching up in those event files.


2021-03-26 11:42:52,687 DEBUG [c.a.i.i.IWSFileEvents] [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Converting File:/<event file dir>/events.210222.0749

2021-03-26 11:42:52,687 DEBUG [c.a.i.i.IWSFileCacheEvents] [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Completed File:/<event file dir>/events.210222.0749 End Time:Mon Feb 22 07:21:00 EST 2021

2021-03-26 11:42:52,687 DEBUG [c.a.i.i.IWSFileCacheEvents] [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Next File Begin Prediction: Mon Feb 22 07:22:00 EST 2021


2021-03-26 11:42:52,687 INFO  [c.a.i.i.IWSFileCacheEvents] [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Next File Start Time Prediction is:Mon Feb 22 07:22:00 EST 2021 but file start time is:Mon Feb 22 07:42:00 EST 2021

2021-03-26 11:42:52,687 INFO  [c.a.i.i.IWSFileCacheEvents] [AXDVh5gOAY0=1616773372085-EV] Skipping::/<event file dir>/events.210222.0750


To resolve stop the IWS conector and delete the files in the log messages above and any files older then that file and start up the IWS connector.

Make sure your IWS scheduler is configured properly to sent event data in the correct intervals so this doesn't occur again.