How do I uninstall Application Delivery Analysis from a windows Server ?
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How do I uninstall Application Delivery Analysis from a windows Server ?


Article ID: 211500


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis (NetQoS / ADA) CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA)


What's the preferred way to uninstall Application Delivery Analysis?  Could you help us with the steps?


Application Delivery Analysis


If your Application Delivery Analysis console is integrated with NetOps Portal as a data source, you can first delete the data source in NetOps Portal.  After that is done (or if not applicable), you just need to Uninstall using Windows 'Programs and Features'.

You can then delete any Application Delivery Analysis directories to fully remove Application Delivery Analysis from the server.  The MySQL databases are contained within these directories.  This same process can be used for both the Console and the Collectors.