Client Automation - How to synchronize and clean the Software Library folder of Scalability Servers ?
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Client Automation - How to synchronize and clean the Software Library folder of Scalability Servers ?


Article ID: 211496


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


Software Library of a scalability Server could have following problems :
- A SD package is referenced in file library.dct but its associated .arc directory does not exist anymore
- A directory .arc exists but has no entry in library.dct
- A SD Package is registered in Scalability Server Software LIbrary but this package does not exist anymore on Domain Manager
- A SD Package appears to be registered to a Scalability Server in DSM Console but the package is not present on the Scalability Server
- A SD Package is registered on a Scalability Server but this package does not appear in SS Library in DSM Console.


Client Automation - All Versions


Attached file could be used to create a SD Package for a script which does a cleanup and reparation of a Scalability Server Library.


1- Copy and uncompress the attached file in a temp directory on the Domain Manager


2- Open a cmd with Administrator privileges and execute following command :
cd /d C:\TEMP\Clean_Scala_Library_Database_v3
or if logged user has not enough right on mdb database :
generate_pkg_clean_sslib_db.bat ca_itrm NOT_changedR11
Replace NOT_changedR11 by the valid password for ca_itrm if it has been changed.
For Oracle database mdbadmin and mdbadmin password should be put in the command line :
generate_pkg_clean_sslib_db.bat mdbadmin mdbadmin_pwd
3- A SD Package like "Clean Scala Library Database Fri_01-06-20231_14.33.38.16" is created and registered in Domain Manager
Example of output for Oracle database :
4- Send this package to one or more Scalability Servers to do a cleanup and repair of the Scalability Server SD Library.
5- Result of execution of job could be found in SD Job Output :
and also in file DSM\log\clean_SSLib_DB.log on the scalability server.
Remark :
The SD Package contains an export of some database data about Software package.
After some days/months a new SD package should be generated to have the latest data.
So script generate_pkg_clean_sslib_db.bat script should be executed again to generate and register a new SD package. 

Additional Information

Version 3 : 6 January 2023 - Oracle Support added

Attachments get_app