Executing Delete Investments Job Clears Project Tiles Saved Filters
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Executing Delete Investments Job Clears Project Tiles Saved Filters


Article ID: 211347


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


If there any filter saved in the Modern UX Project Tiles, after running the "Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods" job and actually deleting an investment marked for deletion, the Project Tiles saved filter is deleted, regardless of the filter conditions being related or not with the deleted investment(s).

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. In the Modern UX, go to Project Tiles and configure the filter with any condition (so that it is not empty).
  2. Move away from Project Tiles, go back to Project Tiles. The Project Tiles filter conditions will still be displayed.
  3. Move away from Project Tiles again.
  4. Create a new project, inactivate it.
  5. Mark the project for deletion.
  6. Run the "Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods" job.
  7. Load Project Tiles. 

Expected Results: Filter conditions are still retained and displayed.

Actual Results: Error is displayed "An error occurred while saving preferences.". Filter conditions are gone. Logging out and logging back in removes the error, but the filter will still be empty.


Release : 15.8.x, 15.9.1, 15.9.2, 15.9.3

Component : CA PPM STUDIO




Fixed in Release 16.0.0