SYSVIEW: GSVX998I (TCPDATA) USS$101I NMI termination record, RC=6F
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SYSVIEW: GSVX998I (TCPDATA) USS$101I NMI termination record, RC=6F


Article ID: 211343


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


After modifying the SNAMGMT parameter to YES, getting error messages for TCPDATA:

GSVX571I (TCPDATA) TCPDATA task initialization complete                 
GSVX998I (TCPDATA) USS$101I NMI termination record received for  879 request NMI_Initialize return code 0000006F reason code 00000000                                                       
GSV3602E (TCPDATA) Data collection for Communications Storage Manager has failed


SYSVIEW 15.0 & 16.0 - z/OS supported releases - 



NOTE:   In V17 Option-TCPIP  is distributed set to YES.   For those customers not wanting TCPIP Data, turning this to NO will resolve the issue.


The Network Management Interface (NMI) of VTAM has to be running. It is turned on as part of VTAM initialization using the SNAMGMT parameter set to YES. 

A MODIFY VTAMOPTS can be used to dynamically turn it on.  Once it is running,  it creates a UNIX socket which is represented as a directory under USS  which is /var/sock/SNAMGMT.

The network management interface (NMI) is returning the return code x'6F' (111)  in a termination response.

This is an 'errno' value which equates to an EACCES error. It means the permission has been denied.

The help for the CSMxxxx commands lists the security requirements as follows:

Superuser authority or access to the following SAF resource is required:

Class             Profile/Entity Name              Access
--------          ---------------------------      ----------

'sysname' represents the MVS system name

Superuser authority is either a UID of 0 or READ access to the BPX.SUPERUSER entity of the FACILITY class.

If the command is displaying cross system data, the SYSVIEW Main Services Address Space must have access to these security
resources also. The message 'ZUSSR GET_CSM_STATS failed' in the field XSMsg could indicate that authority was not granted.

The one issuing the command is the one that needs to have the appropriate authority.  It doesn't have to be superuser either.

It is superuser OR read access to security class SERVAUTH and the entity name of IST.NETMGMT.sysname.SNAMGMT

The best thing would be to grant whoever needs to use the CSM commands read access to that SAF resource not to give everyone superuser authority.