Performance problem encountered when running the autorep command or any other long running operations
Errors like this would show up in as_server.$AUTOSERV or event_demon.$AUTOSERV.
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: <> Failed Query: <select status, count(*) from ujo_proc_event where event = 101 and event_time_gmt between 1626246000 and 1626249599 group by status>
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_E_18412 The database client has been interrupted while query execution is in progress.
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_W_10900 The database monitoring system has detected a potential problem with the database.
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_E_18401 Function <doExecute> invoked from <execute> failed <908>
[07/14/2021 03:01:38] CAUAJM_I_10901 The database monitoring system is beginning validation of database connections.
[08/12/2020 13:32:54] CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: <> Failed Query: <SELECT j.joid,j.job_name,j.job_type,s.status,s.last_start,s.last_end,s.run_num,s.ntry,s.exit_code,run_priority,i.timezone,j.as_applic,j.as_group, (case when like :I_S_1 THEN else :I_S_2 end) FROM ujo_job j JOIN ujo_job_status s ON j.joid = s.joid JOIN ujo_sched_info i ON j.joid = i.joid AND j.job_ver = i.job_ver AND j.over_num = i.over_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_job z ON (z.joid=j.box_joid AND z.is_active=:I_I_3 AND z.is_currver=:I_I_4) AND (z.joid>:I_I_5) AND (z.job_name LIKE :I_S_6 ESCAPE :I_S_7) WHERE (j.job_name like :I_S_8 escape :I_S_9 AND j.is_active=:I_I_10 AND j.is_currver=:I_I_11) AND (z.joid IS NULL) ORDER BY j.joid ASC NULLS FIRST <<'NOEXEC_%','$',1,1,0,'abcd!_%','!','abcd!_%','!',1,1>>>
[08/12/2020 13:32:54] CAUAJM_E_18412 The database client has been interrupted while query execution is in progress.
[08/12/2020 13:32:54] CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
[08/12/2020 13:32:54] CAUAJM_E_18401 Function <doExecute> invoked from <execute> failed <908>
[08/12/2020 13:32:55] CAUAJM_I_10902 The database monitoring system has completed validation of database connections.
[08/12/2020 13:32:55] CAUAJM_I_10903 The database monitoring system will resume monitoring for database problems.
[08/12/2020 13:32:55] CAUAJM_W_10900 The database monitoring system has detected a potential problem with the database.
[08/12/2020 13:32:55] CAUAJM_I_10901 The database monitoring system is beginning validation of database connections.
Release : 11.3.x and 12.x
Oracle AWR reports show high wait times on network, where the Oracle client APIs that autosys
Network through put between Oracle client -and Oracle server is slow. Some tweaks to the Oracle client side, autosys server's $TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora file resolved the issue and made Oracle client to Oracle server performance faster when autosys was issuing longer queries.
Restart of the as_server/event_demon after the above change is made