Group Filter in EEM does not "filter" users
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Group Filter in EEM does not "filter" users


Article ID: 211285


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


I have created a group filter in EEM.  But I am still seeing every user in the domain in the "Manage Identities" tab.  I don't recall that being the behavior.


Release : 12



On the EEM -> Configure -> User Store -> LDAP Attribute Mapping -> Mapping name -> <your custom map>
The top section "User Lookup" has a "User Search Filter"
That is where you would want to include filters to restrict what users are seen.

The lower part of the window "Group Attribute Mapping" has a 
"Group Search Filter" that is where you would filter the groups, not users, seen by EEM.

Example of a filter for the user's restricting them to be ONLY users that are members of my specific Administrators's group.

And here is an example of a Group filter restricting the groups seen by EEM to only ones that start with oak, Plat or Adm:


NOTE - You should get an ldif of a user so you can confirm EXACTLY how their attributes are defined so you know how to set up the filters.