Required steps for migrating CA XCOM for Windows to CA XCOM for Linux
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Required steps for migrating CA XCOM for Windows to CA XCOM for Linux


Article ID: 211223


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


What steps are necessary to perform CA XCOM migration from the Windows Server operating system to Linux?


Release : 11.6

Component : CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC


The advised steps are as follows:

1. From the Broadcom Support Portal (, download the latest version of XCOM for Linux r11.6 (currently 11.6 SP01) and the latest patch (to be up to date on maintenance) as follows:
To find the product and solution downloads the best place to start is the CA XCOM Data Transport Product Home page (available from left hand menu option "All Products"):
Select Downloads which will then show the Product Download and Solution Download tabs:

a. In the Products tab Search box type "linux" and select "CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux (PC) UNIX V -GENERIC" followed by the "11.6" hyperlink which goes to page:
Download the "CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC" Product Package iso file i.e. "CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC r11.6 SP01 - Product Package DVD10172026E.iso"

b. Go back to the Solutions tab:
In the Search box type linux and select "CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux (PC) LINUX -ALL" followed by the "11.6" hyperlink which goes to page:
Download the latest patch. 
NOTE: XCOM patches contain cumulative fixes and therefore it is only necessary to install the latest patch to pick up all the fixes released since the last service pack. 

2a. Install XCOM per the techdocs page "Install and Upgrade Using Conventional Method": XCOM for Unix/Linux

b. Install the latest patch using the instructions in the file "*Patch_readme.htm" file downloaded with the patch.

3. Before starting the xcomd apply any required configuration and other changes from the existing Windows Server 2003 XCOM server.
a. Review what is currently in the xcom.glb and xcom.cnf files on the Windows server and use those files as a guide to modify the new xcom.glb and xcom.cnf files on Linux. The same advice applies to any other configuration files e.g. for SSL the file configssl.cnf and related steps to install certificates and private keys.
Use the XCOM for Linux documentation to verify that all parameters are valid for XCOM for Linux.
Note: ASCII configuration files should not be simply copied over from Windows to Linux because of the different usage of % and $ for environment variables and also the parameters may be different due to different XCOM version and OS platform.
b. If using XCOM pre-processing or post-processing scripts on the Windows server the versions of those equivalent scripts on the Linux server will need to be modified accordingly. 
c. Review the XCOM for Linux Release Notes section of the techdocs for further information:

Additional Information

Related article: Best practices for migrating CA XCOM from one Windows Server version to another.