OPS/MVS How to send OUT data from OPS REXX via http REST
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OPS/MVS How to send OUT data from OPS REXX via http REST


Article ID: 211215


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Need a capability to send OUT data from OPS REXX via http REST.

Some of the documentation that I found references http REST talks about sending data INTO the mainframe from a distributed platform. I was unable to find any documentation that clearly explains how to send data OUT from the mainframe via http REST to a distributed platform. This issue is being raised because of a requirement to replace the obsolete TCP/IP socket connection that we have custom developed within OPS to send mainframe events to our event management system.

  1. Can you confirm that there is a capability in OPS REXX (OPS/MVS) to do an http REST to send data from the mainframe to a distributed platform?
  2. If yes, can you point out the documentation? 
    1. We need to know what are the prerequisites to make this work.
    2. We need step-by-step instructions on how to configure OPS.
    3. We need examples (of a REXX program) that would send data from the mainframe to a distributed platform via http REST



Release : 13.5

Component : OPS/MVS


A1. yes, there are two REXX samples for this OPRXREST and OPRXHTTP

A2.1. Please see the comment sections included in the headers of OPRXREST and OPRXHTTP. There is documentation on using them as starting points to
generate REST requests to distributed servers.