In DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM), the Data Collector (DC) Health Report is only displaying statistics for some of the DCs while Data Collector Polling displays all of them. For example, in the DC Health Dashboard, there maybe 4 DCs shown:
While under DC Polling, there may be 6 (i.e. all are shown):
The following error is seen in the karaf.log
2021-02-23 16:09:24,751 | WARN | l 60000-thread-1 | DCHealthScheduledPollRequest | ler.DCHealthScheduledPollRequest 199 | 203 - - 20.2.6.RELEASE-474 | | Could not determine compAttr for TypedAttr - [identifier]:{}DAHealthDataCollectorPollingStatistics.HeapSizeInBytes [identifier type]:javax.xml.namespace.QName[value types]:[Ljava.lang.Double;
Dx NetOps Performance Management 20.2
This can occur if the DC didn't download typecatalog successfully.
To resolve this, you need to get the DC to re-download the typecatalog by doing the following on the affected DCs (i.e. the ones not appearing in the DC Health dashboard):
systemctl stop dcmd
systemctl stop activemq
mv <IMDataCollector_INSTALL_DIR>/apache-karaf/data <IMDataCollector_INSTALL_DIR>/apache-karaf/data.old
systemctl start activemq
systemctl start dcmd