Install of CA Gen PTFs gives errors on initial attempts
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Install of CA Gen PTFs gives errors on initial attempts


Article ID: 211118


Updated On: 03-22-2021




Error messages encountered during initial install attempts of Gen 8.6 PTFs BTN86201 and RTN86208

First attempt - receive below error

DATE: Mon 03/01/2021  09:58 AM 
PLATFORM: Windows 
BACKUP: Saving C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\bt\scripts\build_proxy_net.scr to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\PTF_Backups\BTN86201.BAK\Gen\bt\scripts\build_proxy_net.scr was successful. 
BACKUP: Saving C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\bt\scripts\callvsvars.scr to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\PTF_Backups\BTN86201.BAK\Gen\bt\scripts\callvsvars.scr was successful. 
BACKUP: Saving C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\bt\scripts\WiX\VSRuntime.wxs to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\PTF_Backups\BTN86201.BAK\Gen\bt\scripts\WiX\VSRuntime.wxs was successful. 
The system cannot find the path specified.
***ERROR*** INSTALL: Copy of file C:\USERID\Gen 8.6 PTFs\21095656\21095656\BTN86201\Gen\bt\scripts\build_proxy_net.scr failed 
The system cannot find the path specified.
***ERROR*** INSTALL: Copy of file C:\USERID\Gen 8.6 PTFs\21095656\21095656\BTN86201\Gen\bt\scripts\callvsvars.scr failed 
The system cannot find the path specified.
***ERROR*** INSTALL: Copy of file C:\USERID\Gen 8.6 PTFs\21095656\21095656\BTN86201\Gen\bt\scripts\WiX\VSRuntime.wxs failed

The 2nd attempt was successful.

First & second attempt - receive below error

DATE: Mon 03/01/2021  10:17 AM 
PLATFORM: Windows 
BACKUP: Saving C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\gen\genenv.bat to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\PTF_Backups\RTN86208.BAK\gen\genenv.bat was successful. 
BACKUP: Saving C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\gen\vssetup.bat to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\PTF_Backups\RTN86208.BAK\gen\vssetup.bat was successful. 
The system cannot find the path specified.
***ERROR*** INSTALL: Copy of file C:\CAGenPTF3\21095734\21095734\RTN86208\gen\genenv.bat failed 
The system cannot find the path specified.
***ERROR*** INSTALL: Copy of file C:\CAGenPTF3\21095734\21095734\RTN86208\gen\vssetup.bat failed

The 3rd  attempt was successful


Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen INSTALL


Each self-extracting executable file PTF_Name.exe when run creates files PTF_NameREADME.txt and PTF_NameZ.exe.

Then per the instructions in PTF_NameREADME.txt, the self-extracting executable file PTF_NameZ.exe needs to be executed which will extract files PTF_Name.ctl, PTF_NameA.exe, setup.bat, uninstall.bat. It will also automatically start the install dialog using the setup.bat file.

The file PTF_NameA.exe is the main self-extracting executable file containing all the new files to be deployed which the setup.bat executes ("%PTFname%A.exe -qq -o")
The errors "The system cannot find the path specified." on the earlier failed attempts indicate that the new files from inside the PTF self-extracting zip file PTF_NameA.exe could not be found.
If PTF_NameZ.exe was run in exactly the same way for both failed and successful installs then perhaps anti-virus software may have been temporarily interfering with the steps run by the setup.bat and in particular, the execution of the self-extracting executable file PTF_NameA.exe to extract the new files.
Install of the same PTFs on another PC was subsequently successful on the first attempt.

Additional Information

Advice on how to edit setup.bat to get more trace information for any PTF install failure

Run PTF_NameZ.exe and when the cmd.exe launches at the prompt to "(I) Install/(Q) Quit, [I,Q]?", use Ctrl-C to get "Terminate batch job (Y/N)" and choose Y to terminate it (you might need to use Ctrl-C a few times)
That will leave the extracted files from PTF_NameZ.exe in place.
Edit file setup.bat and change the first line of the file as follows:
@echo off
@echo on

Run setup.bat and a new cmd.exe will launch. At the "[I,Q]?" prompt enter I to proceed with the install.
If an error occurs then before exiting the cmd.exe use Ctrl-A to select all text, and press ENTER to copy it to the clipboard. Then paste it into a file and save.
Review the file content and if not able to resolve the problem for further assistance please create a support case and upload the file to the case.