Investment Hours Posted But Do Not Appear in PPA_WIP
Article ID: 211063
Updated On:
Clarity PPM SaaS
The hours are posted but do not appear in the Posted Transactions.
Release : All Supported Releases
If the project's Financial Status is set to 'Hold', it will not create financial transactions
Go to Clarity - Home - Portfolio Management - Projects - Select the project - Properties - Settings
Make sure the Financial Status is set to Open.
After setting it to 'Open', Go to Clarity - Home - Reports and Jobs to run the following jobs:
Post Timesheets
Post Transactions to Financials
Post to WIP
The timesheets will not post actuals again to the assignments, only the hours will flow to invalid transactions so they can post through to WIP.
Additional Information
If a resource is not financially active, the same steps apply. Check the box on the Resource Financial properties to make them financially active then run post timesheets job again and follow the steps above.