Compatibility with SFTP double authentication (password and public key)
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Compatibility with SFTP double authentication (password and public key)


Article ID: 211059


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


A new requirement for SFTP server requires enforcement of both types of authentication, "password" and "public key" while logging to the SFTP server.

Dollar Universe Manager for FTP supports only one of these two methods of authentication, but not both at the same time.


Release : 6.x

Component : Dollar Universe

Area: FTP Uprocs


By design: Double authentication (private+public key) and additional password in SFTP Uprocs is not supported yet by Dollar Universe Manager for File Transfer.

An idea has been opened in the community to add this feature in the product, if you are interested on this Enhancement, please vote for it:




Use a third-party ftp client supporting the double authentication in batch mode to perform the sftp transfer such as psftp and launch it via a standard (non ftp) Uproc

Example of a command with psftp:

psftp -P sftp_port -batch -bc -b "sftpscript.txt" -i "key.ppk" -pw password  username@ftpserver


The same can be accomplished with a Powershell script or other sftp third-party tools.

Additional Information

Internal Product Enhancement Request number: PMDU-2701