How to implement the CA Spool CICS menu interface when using different IBM CICS TS releases on the same system?
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How to implement the CA Spool CICS menu interface when using different IBM CICS TS releases on the same system?


Article ID: 21101


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One of the CA Spool menu interfaces can run under IBM CICS TS environments. In this article we describe what is required to use this feature when different releases of IBM CICS TS are running on the same system where CA Spool is also executing.



Spool CICS


Instructions for Spool 14.0:

1) Add the statement below to the ESFPARM:


2) Issue the command F caspoolstc,REINIT,MODULES,ON

3) Recycle the Spool started task

For previous Spool releases:

The following steps needs to be done:

  • Make sure that post-install job CBQ4JCL(BQ4JIUCL) has been run successfully during initial product install. If not, customize and run it.
  • Tailor and run CBQ4JCL(BQ4JCICS) with the most recent release of your CICS TS MACLIB in the UCLTGT step. If the CICS release is TS 3.1 or higher then make sure statement &CTS310 SETB 1 is set.

Once above has been completed, follow the next procedure in the order it is documented in this Knowledge Document. Do not skip any steps.

  1. If necessary, take the appropriate steps to update the load libraries used by your CA Spool task.
  2. Refresh LLA, if necessary. Issue the following CA Spool command while the main task is still active: /REINIT,MODULES,ON
  3. The following message should be posted: ESF888  REINIT MODULES PROCESSED - REFRESH PENDING
  4. Recycle CA Spool (WARM start is acceptable).
  5. Verify that a module refresh was performed upon task restart via message: ESF022 MODULE REFRESH PERFORMED.
  6. Recycle your CICS Region.
  7. Enter to the CICS menu interface using each of the CICS TS releases available in your system and confirm it is working as expected.


Additional Information

Be aware that IBM CICS TS release 3.1.0 or above must be used.