CA Deliver - How do You Remove Blank Pages in a Report?
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CA Deliver - How do You Remove Blank Pages in a Report?


Article ID: 210933


Updated On: 03-19-2021




We need assistance with removing blank pages in a bundled Deliver report.

The printer setup (PRSET) is:



Release : 14.0

Component : CA Deliver


A report in the spool, prior to its printing, has no blank pages, so it is the printer that would determine the blank pages. 

For the DJDE SIDE=(...) field, there are the following options:

 . NUFRONT: The next page to be printed will be on the next full sheet of paper. 
 . BACK: The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page of the next available back. 
 . NUBACK: The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page of the back of a new sheet. 
 . NEXT: The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page of the next available side.

In this instance, as the client was using SIDE=(NUFRONT), there could be pages to be set blank, to go to the next full sheet of paper. 

So, it is not Deliver that has the blank pages, but it could be due to the DJDE or printer settings.