During high load it can happen that the JCP queue gets flooded with messages (10.000+, up to 1 million)
In some occasions this may lead the Primary Work Process stopping to process even after the JCP is restarted which and lead to an outage.
When the issue happens run the following query (Oracle only):
select count(*), utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(MQCP_Msg, 200, 3)) as msg, mqcp_priority from mqXcpYYY
group by utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(MQCP_Msg, 200, 3)), mqcp_priority order by 1 desc
where mqXcpYYY has to be adapted to the system:
10.000+ | <uc-env session=""> <kick system="UC4" client="client#" idnr="^0?">EH^ ? </kick></uc-env> | 200 |
10.000+ | <uc-env session=""> <kick system="UC4" client="other_client#" idnr="^0?">EH^ ? </kick> </uc-env> | 200 |
... | ... | 200 |
30+ | <uc-env session=""> <asyncmsg> <message date="yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" nr="xxxxxxxx" insert=" message"^ ?Ü/> </asyncmsg> </uc-env> | 200 |
30+ | <uc-env session=""> <asyncmsg> <message date="yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" nr="xxxxxxxx" insert=" message"^ ?Ü/> </asyncmsg> </uc-env> | 200 |
... | 200 |
Release : 12.2 / 12.3
This is a bug
Restarting the JCP will empty its MQxCPyyy table.
If the MQxCPyy table contains many millions of entries it may be advantages to stop the JCP and truncate the corresponding MQxCPyyy table before restarting.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Automation Engine
Automation.Engine 12.2.9 - Available
Automation.Engine 12.3.5 HF4 - Available
Automation.Engine 12.3.6 - Available