This is to provide steps on how the oneview monitor can be deployed.
Release : 12.8
Component : OneView Monitor
On the Policy Server machine, install supported version of tomcat. (tomcat will have its own dependencies such as java which is already installed on the policy server)
Please refer to tomcat documentation to setup and logon to the tomcat "manager" app.
In case if you have AdminUI or other application servers running, make sure there are no port conflicts with the tomcat server.
In this sample, tomcat is listening on 18080 port.
Following is a screenshot of tomcat manager app.
Click on the "Choose file" button under "WAR file to deploy" and select the "<Policy Server>/monitor/sitemindermonitor.war" file.
Then click "Deploy"
You will see a new application (/sitemindermonitor) deployed.
Now you can access "http://<hostname>:<port>/sitemindermonitor" to access the OneView monitor.