How to generate a support bundle for Dell MD3860 or NetApp attached storage
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How to generate a support bundle for Dell MD3860 or NetApp attached storage


Article ID: 210792


Updated On:


Security Analytics


If you suspect a hardware issue with either the Dell MD3860 or the NetApp storage, a troubleshooting support bundle will be required if opening a case with technical support.  


There is one way to generate a support bundle on the Dell MD3860s and two ways for the NetApp storage.  When opening a case and submitting the logs as an attachment, please include the address for shipping.  Support will also need a contact name and phone number included.

Dell (using MDSM)

  • Double-click on the array in question
  • On the Summary tab, click the link for "Collect Support Data Manually"

  • Give the bundle a name and click Start

  • The collection of the bundle will take some time to complete.

  • Once complete, click OK

NetApp (using SANtricity)

  • Launch SANtricity on a Windows workstation (SANtricity software can be downloaded from HERE)
  • Double-click on the array in question

  • On the Summary tab, click the link for "Collect Support Data Manually"

  • Give the bundle a name and click Start

  • The bundle collection process will take some time to complete

  • Once complete, click OK.

NetApp (using SMcli)

  1. Log in via SSH to the capture appliance connected to the NetApp storage
  2. Run the following SMcli command:
  3. SMcli -d to produce the array_name
  4. Then using the array_name produced, run
SMcli -n array_name -c 'save storageArray supportData file="/home/supportbundle_todays_date";'

This information is also generated in a CSR without logging in to the CLI as root.  Login with your browser using an admin account.  See Settings -> System -> Download CSR.