Running Remote Engineer for UCM support
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Running Remote Engineer for UCM support


Article ID: 210661


Updated On:


CA Unified Communications Monitor (NetQoS / UCM)


Support has requested me to run Remote Engineer to collect log files and other information for Unified Communications Monitor. 

Where do I find this and how do I run it for UCM?


UCM - all versions


Remote Engineer can be run on UCM Console or Harvesters.  Please do the following:

  1. Download the file attached to this article.
  2. Extract the folder contained in the .zip file.
  3. Double-click the RemoteEngineer.exe application.  It may take a few moments for it to open.
  4. Select CA Unified Communications Monitor from the dropdown:
  5. Click Run Diagnostics.  It will take a few moments to run and collect the requested information.  The scripts will attempt to collect all files from both, so some errors are expected.
  6. Once completed, you'll see the following at the bottom:
  7. Click on the Open Folder button and collect the compressed .zip file to upload to the support case.
  8. If support has requested that Remote Engineer run on both the Harvester and Console, please repeat the above steps for the other servers individually and provide the created files.

Attachments get_app