My PROCCTC job CTCTEST Abends with U2989 checking CTC connections and also generates a CTC0103E message.
The UCB address I specify when I issue the start command is 7160, I have no idea where 3FFF is coming from.
The MIM doc says
Release : 12.5
Component : MIM
SMS is managing the device
The device UCB address is being managed by SMS.
Excluding the device in the SMS definitions will correct the problem.
This IBM doc
z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration - Understanding ACS routines
All allocations directed to units that are neither tape nor DASD should be excluded from SMS management. Do this by testing for UNIT in the storage class routine and ensuring that the storage class is set to NULL in these cases.
Ensuring that no storage class is assigned for such allocations avoids potential errors with allocations that require specific types of units. For example, assigning a storage class to a VTAM® channel-to-channel (CTC) adaptor allocation results in sense errors when VTAM attempts to use the CTC.
This is a sample for SMS configuration from a Share presentation that shows include and exclude of devices.
DFSMS Basics: SMS Configuration and ACS Routines Introduction / Demonstration