Finding information on how to retrieve CA RS latest file
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Finding information on how to retrieve CA RS latest file


Article ID: 210635


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Gen - Host Encyclopedia


Where is the information on how to retrieve the latest CA RS file?


Release : 8.6

Component : CA Gen Host Encyclopedia


The CA RS Process, very much like the RSU IBM Uses, does not have a single file for every product, but it is a mass file with all the ++ASSIGN Statements for that particular CA RS Level in it for all CA RS Products.  It is also not cumulative, so to get to a CA RS Level, please download all the CA RS Files for each month which are not currently installed.  There is also a “Yearly” file that is available where one may get an entire year of the ++ASSIGN files and not have to download each month for that year.

If using CSM, please only download the CA RS Files and then run the CA RS Wizard for the level of CA RS Needed. It will automatically put all CA RS maintenance up to the selected level.

If not using CSM, please go to Support Online, Click on “Mainframe Software” then scroll down until they see the box that says “Installation and Maintenance Tools” and click on the link in that box that says “View Installation and Maintenance Tools”.

Next, please click on CA Recommended Service (CA RS) link.

This page contains the link on the side panel on the left that says “ERROR HOLD and ASSIGN Statements”. 

Please click and continue on to “Download CA RS and HIPER ASSIGN Statements”. 

Here is a page with instructions. The best option is to use the JCL provided as a sample with editing for your site as needed.

The Monthly ASCII CA RS File is named CARyymm.TXT so to get 2103, please use the file_name.TXT of CAR2103.TXT and so forth.

To get the Yearly the file name would be YEARyyyy.TXT so for the 2002 ASSIGN Statement, please use the file name YEAR2002 and that would have CAR2001 thru CAR2012 in it.

After getting these, please be sure all the CA RS Maintenance is received into your CSI, using whatever method is normally use.  The recommendation is to run the RECEIVE ORDER jobs.