Client Automation - sdmgr plugins stopped
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Client Automation - sdmgr plugins stopped


Article ID: 210603


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


Sometimes some sdmgr plugins (RM, NM, TM, IM and PM) are stopped.

In TRC_USD_*MAN*.log (like TRC_USD_INSTMAN*.log) following errors could appear before stop :


evalSQLInfo sqlstate: 08S01 native error: 121 0x79
evalSQLInfo description: Communication link failure source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0

evalSQLInfo sqlstate: 08S01 native error: 121 0x79
evalSQLInfo description: TCP Provider: The semaphore timeout period has expired.
 source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0

evalSQLInfo class: 16 state: 1 server: 
Error Message: ADO Version 6.3 - COM Error: ErrorCode:-2147467259,WordErrorCode:0, Unspecified error, TCP Provider: The semaphore timeout period has expired.

evalSQLInfo sqlstate: 08S01 native error: 0 0x0
Error Message: ADO Version 6.3 - COM Error: ErrorCode:-2147467259,WordErrorCode:0, Unspecified error, Communication link failure, Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0, (null)


Client Automation - All version


This problem is caused by a communication problem between ITCM Domain Manager and Microsoft SQL Server.
This could be caused by a network problem or a SQL Server problem.


The best solution is to find the root cause and resolve the network or SQL Server problem.
But as workaround a script could be used to automatically start the sdmgr plugins if they are stopped :
This script check if a sdmgr plugin is stopped and start it if it is stopped.
This script generates a log under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\logs\restart_sdmgr.log
This script could be executed using a Task in Windows Task Scheduler.
Example :
1- Copy the file restart_sdmgr.bat (see attached file) into C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\bin on Domain Manager
2- Execute this command to schedule execution of this script every day at 21:00 :

schtasks.exe /create /RU "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /TN "Restart SDMGR plugins" /SC DAILY /TR "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Bin\restart_sdmgr.bat" /ST "21:00"
Every day at 21:00, if sdmgr_tm, sdmgr_rm, sdmgr_pm, sdmgr_nm and/or sdmgr_im are stopped, the script start it automatically.

Additional Information

restart_sdmgr.bat Version 1.1 (24 November 2022)


Example of output log :

-------------------------- START -------------------------- 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:52.86 - Start of script restart_sdmgr 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:52.86 - VERSION=1.1 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:52.86 - LOGDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\\LOGS 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:52.88 - COMPUTERNAME=DMTEST
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:52.88 - USERNAME=jy 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:53.14 - sdmgr_tm : PID in comstore = 10512 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:53.28 - sdmgr_im : PID in comstore = 7668 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:53.47 - sdmgr_rm : PID in comstore = 4496 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:53.64 - sdmgr_pm : PID in comstore = 11248 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:46:53.82 - sdmgr_nm : PID in comstore = 10384 - Process is running 
-------------------------- END -------------------------- 

-------------------------- START -------------------------- 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.43 - Start of script restart_sdmgr 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.43 - VERSION=1.1 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.43 - LOGDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\\LOGS 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.43 - COMPUTERNAME=DMTEST 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.43 - USERNAME=jy 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.64 - sdmgr_tm : PID in comstore = 10512 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:16.88 - sdmgr_im : PID not found in comstore - #### sdmgr_im IS NOT RUNNING. START IT #### 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:21.23 - sdmgr_rm : PID in comstore = 11756 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:21.40 - sdmgr_pm : PID in comstore = 11248 - Process is running 
Thu 11/24/2022-15:51:21.59 - sdmgr_nm : PID not found in comstore - #### sdmgr_nm IS NOT RUNNING. START IT #### 
-------------------------- END --------------------------


1669305300506__restart_sdmgr.txt get_app