We upgraded SOI 4.2 to SO15850.
When I run
soitoolbox.exe -x --startAllServices
an error is generated:
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\Tools>soitoolbox.exe -x --startAllServices
Started 15/03/2021 at 17:06:36
-> Parsing configuration file soitoolbox.cfg ... Done, 62 lines processed
-> Autodetecting DB configuration... ERROR: bad content - Auto detection of SOI DB configuration failed.
Reason:Wrong format of the connection string in C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\tomcat\lib\hibernate.cfg.xml file
Note: Auto detection works only when run on machine running SOI Application Server
Release : 4.2 with SO15850
Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager
Soitoolbox.exe -x generates a new config file if one does not exist.
This file needs to be manually edited to add the correct host and user information for the so environment
Fill in the top 3 sections of the C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\Tools\soitoolbox.cfg
#1. Specify Windows credentials for all machines where SOI components are deployed
# Syntax:
# machine=<machineName>;<userName>;<PlainTextPassword>
#2. Specify credentials for SOI database
# Syntax:
# database=<databaseName>;<machineName>;<instance>;<port>;<userName>;<PlainTextPassword>
#3. Specify credentials for SOI UI server access
# Syntax:
# soiui=<machineRunningUIserver>;<protocol>;<port>;<userName>;<PlainTextPassword>
For CA SOI distributed system, enter the CA SOI setup details in the soitoolbox.cfg file (the .cfg file created by using -x command, if it does not exist) before running any CA SOI toolbox commands