Java Transformers Migration questions
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Java Transformers Migration questions


Article ID: 210509


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After reading the installation guide and release notes, there may be additional questions.




Release : Output Management Spool for z/OS 14.0


Q1 -  Is there a need to add the Print Resource files (that are coded as DD's in V12) in the A2PD.d2eproj and A2PC.d2eproj files? 

Can changes be overlaid by future maintenance to those members?

A1 - Yes, some maintenance may overlay the project files. It's a good practice to create a runtime /apps directory to contain the customized files.

There is a job in the CE0CJCL library to create the "working" Java Transformers directories including the /apps directory: CE0CJCL(E0CMKDIR)


Q2 - Is there a need to add the 'X2YY=D2EVISIO' parm to all printer nodes that have 'TRANSFRM='?

A2 - No. If you set DEFAULT=YES in the X2YYDEF statement the nodes that use the transformers only need the TRANSFRM keyword.



Q3 - This site has multiple JES2 MAS in one sysplex.  Currently, a CASPOOLx task is run for each JES MAS and each CASPOOLx task will start an associated transformer task also. Each task has different print resource files coded in the CASPOOLx task. 

If the same Transformer ZFS file for the sysplex is used, how will different print resources be coded in the project members?

A3 - See answer 1). Unique runtime folders for each different system should be created.


Q4 - Are there other migration issues that need to be addressed that are not transparent to the user? 

Maybe something in user or production JCL that impacts the user?

A4 - The migration should be transparent to the users. It is strongly recommend to read the tech doc section on this topic:

Migrating from AFP transformers to Java Transformers

This section mentions 2 videos that have been created by the Spool development team regarding the Java Transformers.

Firstly this course "06SPO20010 – CA Spool™: Migrating from CA Spool AFP Transformers to Java Transformers 200" .

The second video is "06SPO20030 – CA Spool™: Java Transformers Installation 200" 



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