The IDMS API Service has been started, but then immediately followed by authentication errors below:
INFO ZWEAS101I 'IDMS API Service' has been started in 179.821 seconds
ERROR ZWEAS003E Internal authentication error: An MVS environmental error has been detected. Please contact support for further assistance.
{bf0da019-9633-4eb9-9ae5-0b13c70f9ce2} Security error details: EMVSERR An MVS environmental error has been detected PlatformReturned(success=false, rc=0, errno=157, errno2=151782063, errnoMsg=EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x090C02AF), stringRet=null, objectRet=null)
messageSource : "S0W1.ZOWE:3100:CAIDMS" messageKey : ""
0 |
messageType |
messageNumber |
"ZWEAS003" |
messageContent |
"Internal authentication error: An MVS environmental error has been detected. Please contact support for further assistance." |
messageKey |
"" |
messageParameters |
0 |
"An MVS environmental error has been detected" |
messageInstanceId |
"c24210ec-ab82-4cb0-b2e3-a671ac154d10" |
messageComponent |
"org.zowe.commons.spring.RestAuthenticationEntryPoint" |
messageSource |
"S0W1.ZOWE:3100:CAIDMS" |
Release : 19.0
Component : CA IDMS/DB
The shared objects (.so) files in the IDMS API /.../lib subdirectory did not have the 'Program Controlled' extended attribute set.
cd /.../idmsapi-1.0.0/lib/
ls -E
The output shows --s- so the extended attributes is not set.
-rwxr-x--x --s- 1 USERID IDMSDGRP 40960 mmm dd yyyy
-rwxr-x--x --s- 1 USERID IDMSDGRP 114688 mmm dd yyyy
To set extended attributes, from within the IDMS API /lib subdirectory issue the command:
extattr +p *.so
ls -E
Note that now the output shows -ps-, which means the 'program controlled' attribute is set.
# ls -E
-rwxr-x--x -ps- 1 USERID IDMSDGRP 40960 mmm dd yyyy
-rwxr-x--x -ps- 1 USERID IDMSDGRP 114688 mmm dd yyyy