After doing an EXPAND PAGE, the AREA definition in the DMCL will have the ORIGINAL PAGE SIZE clause defined.
The clause needs to be removed from the new DMCL specified in an UNLOAD/RELOAD.
How can the ORIGINAL PAGE SIZE clause be removed?
Release : 19.0
Component : IDMS/DB
To remove the ORIGINAL PAGE SIZE, ALTER the area definition and specify the ORIGINAL PAGE SIZE to be equal to the current PAGE SIZE.
First, display the area to obtain the current page size.
DIS AREA segment.areaname VERB ALTER;
Then issue the command:
ALTER AREA segment.areaname ORIGINAL PAGE SIZE nnnnn;
where nnnnn is the SAME as the current PAGE SIZE number displayed in the first command.
See CA IDMS documentation on TechDocs section Increasing the Size of an Area and AREA Statements