Difference between JOBCP% anf JOBCPT%
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Difference between JOBCP% anf JOBCPT%


Article ID: 210430


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


The following Threshold message appears in an LPAR with 4 CP for the JOBCP% and JOBCPT% variables:


GSVX321W (MVSDATA) Threshold JOB JOBCP% xxxx PROBLEM 500
         V=2.214 W=0 P=0 UPPER 00:01:00 00A2 JOB01237        
         Desc='CP CPU usage percentage '                     
GSVX321W (MVSDATA) Threshold JOB JOBCPT% xxxxx PROBLEM 501
         V=4.130 W=0 P=0 UPPER 00:01:00 00A2 JOB01237        
         Desc='CP CPU usage percentage total '               

How is the calculation of these percentages done?

Are all 4 CPs included in the calculations?




Release : 15.0

Component : SYSVIEW


Only ONLINE active CPs are used in the calculation for JOBCP% and JOBCPT%;

PARKED CPs are not included in the calculation of these values.