Error opening MTP Web Console
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Error opening MTP Web Console


Article ID: 210382


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CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA)


When we try to go to the MTP we get an error that says "Error in SqlCommand at Execute.



Release : 11.0.2

Component : CA DOI Foundations


MTP service status check

service –status-all

Mysql status check

service mysqld status

if it is stop then

service mysqld start 


service mysqld restart 


Checking verticadb status

sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ –status 


verticadb shutdown ,start and restart command

sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ –start

sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ --shutdown

sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ –restart


/opt/NetQoS/scripts/ [--start] [--shutdown] [--restart] [--status] [--help]



/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t start_db -d capture 

( if it is failed then try below)

Another way to check the epoch:
/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t return_epoch -d capture

Resolve the issue by loading the last epoch:
/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t restart_db -e last


Vertica strongly recommends that the database be stopped prior to shutting down or rebooting the machine. If you need to shutdown or reboot the machine, you should first stop the database from the web UI Administration->Database Status page.

If you are already logged into the Linux netqos account, you can stop the Vertica database from the Linux command line using the following command:

         sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ --shutdown

To start the Vertica database from the Linux command line:

         sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ --start

To check the status of the Vertica database from the Linux command line:

         sudo /opt/NetQoS/scripts/ -status


Some other Step


To get a valid epoch to perform the following steps:


cd /opt/vertica/bin

Run the following command: ./admintools -t start_db -d <DB name> -F

The above command will likely fail but the act of attempting a "force" repair of the Vertica database will put an Epoch.log in the catalog directory.  This would be the same directory that contains the vertica.log

Take the hexidecimal number in Epoch.log and convert it to a decimal number.  You can use the following URL to make the conversion:

Now open adminTools on the Data Repository

Choose #7 Advanced Menu

Choose #1 RollBack Database To Last Good Epoch

Choose the database in question

Add the converted number from step #4 into the "Restart epoch" field

Choose OK

The database should now start successfully