Unexpected command line generated when importing a SEP installer package
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Unexpected command line generated when importing a SEP installer package


Article ID: 210353


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Software Management Solution


You notice that the command line auto generated when importing a Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) exe type client installer package includes an echo statement and switches. Typically when importing an exe leaving all defaults, the command line only includes the executable name. This happens either by importing a package through Software Management (Manage > Software > Add Software or through the SEP integration policy (Manage > Policies > Integrations > Symantec Endpoint Protection > Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent Delivery). Both methods will create a new software resource. 

cmd.exe /C echo <randomly generated number> & "setup.exe" /v"/qn"


SEP packages have unique variations that we have programmed specific command lines for when we import and recognize a package that is a SEP client install package. Since specific versions of SEP may have mulitple install packages, we generate a random code to make the command line unique.
