After SpectroSERVER upgrade to 10.4.3 Database Backup Synchronization is failing.
Release : 10.4.3 | 21.2.1 | 21.2.2 | 21.2.4
This has been addressed in Spectrum_10.04.03.D121 - Please contact support to obtain this patch.
This will also be included in the upcoming release (20.2.10) and later releases
NOTE: This patch only needs to be applied on the SECONDARY SpectroSERVER machine.
Follow below steps for the patch installation,
1. Stop applications
- SpectroSERVER
- processd (As a "root" user).
2. Apply this debug patch on secondary SS machine.
3. Verify\Change owner for "processd" binary using root user
cd $(SPECROOT)/lib/SDPM/;chown <SPECOWNER>:<SPECGROUP> processd
4. Add "export PROCESSD_LCOPY=TRUE" env variable to $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/ file on secondary SS.
Example:(After adding env variable "" file looks as below)
# chkconfig: 35 97 99
# description: SPECTRUM Process Daemon
# Provides: processd
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: SPECTRUM Process Daemon
# Description: The SPECTRUM Process daemon is
# responsible for starting/stopping and
# monitoring SPECTRUM components.
5.Now, It`s time to start spectrum applications,
- start processd as root using below commands
'systemctl daemon-reload'
/usr/bin/systemctl start processd
Check if the processd was started successfully
$ ps -ef | grep processd
- Now start the "spectroSERVER" process
- From OneClick console, start OneLineBackup and check whether it is running
Note: For 21.2.1 the patch is not required, only the configuration steps adding the environment variable to the file.
With 10.4.x releases Broadcom suggests using 'systemctl' to start and stop processd service and to not use the scripts located in $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM
The problem described in this document can reappear if the processd is not started and stopped using systemd (systemctl).
Please confirm syntax is proper after making the proper changes to the script.
/usr/bin/systemctl stop processd
/usr/bin/systemctl start processd