The REXX OPSSM3CV which adds new columns to existing STC Tables sets the SSM to INACTIVE mode and doesn't set it back to ACTIVE
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The REXX OPSSM3CV which adds new columns to existing STC Tables sets the SSM to INACTIVE mode and doesn't set it back to ACTIVE


Article ID: 210290


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


When OPSSM3CV REXX runs to convert tables to SSMV3 format it sets STATEMAN to INACTIVE and doesn't set it back ACTIVE when it finishes.



Release : 14.0

Component : OPS/MVS


Working as designed.

OPSSM3CV is not supposed to set the mode back to active. It issues a message instructing the user to reset the mode back to ACTIVE. This is to give the user the control of when to set mode back to active.