Does Gen 8.6 support Oracle Linux
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Does Gen 8.6 support Oracle Linux


Article ID: 210269


Updated On: 11-26-2023




Migrating to Gen 8.6 and using Oracle Linux.
Oracle Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), so is it also supported in the same way as RHEL?


Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen General Misc. Questions


From Gen™ 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Third-Party Software Version > Operating Systems:

  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 for x86_64 64-bit, or a Linux distribution with the following characteristics (IT only):kernel 3.12.28-4-default, gcc 4.8.3, glibc 2.19-17

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8.2 for x86_64 64-bit (and subsequent 8.x minor versions), or a Linux distribution with the following minimal characteristics (IT only):kernel 4.18.0-240, gcc 8.3.1-5, glibc 2.28-127, ncurses-compat-libs 6.1.-7

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8.7 for x86_64 64-bit (and subsequent 8.x minor versions), or a Linux distribution with the following minimal characteristics (CSE only):kernel 4.18.0-425, glibc 2.17-326

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9.1 for x86_64 64-bit (and subsequent 9.x minor versions), or a Linux distribution with the following minimal characteristics (CSE and IT):kernel 5.14.0-162, glibc 2.17-326

  • Linux IT installers require 32-bit glibc library package, glibc.i686


So the key statement is:
"...or a Linux distribution with the following minimal characteristics: ..."

The relevant Oracle Linux version page needs to be checked e.g. Oracle Linux 8.5
Release Notes for Oracle Linux 8.5 > About Oracle Linux 8 states:
Shipped Kernels
For the x86_64 platform, Oracle Linux 8.5 ships with the following default kernel packages:

kernel-4.18.0-348.el8: (Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK))
kernel-uek-5.4.17-2136.300.7.el8uek: (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 (UEK R6))

The above Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) kernel-4.18.0-348.el8 satisfies the Gen 8.6 RHEL 8.2 - 8.6 minimum required kernel of 4.18.0-240. Therefore using Oracle Linux 8.5 with "Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) (kernel-4.18.0-348.el8) is supported.
For the UEK kernel, Gen 8.6 has not been tested with any UEK release kernels and therefore that kernel is not supported. If a UEK kernel is used any issues encountered would need to be reproduced on a supported version of the Red Hat kernel in order for any new fix/patch to be considered. This is per the documented Gen™ 8.6 > Technical Requirements > General Comments > Support Policy