Recommended Documentation for Troubleshooting Errors with Web Viewer 14.0
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Recommended Documentation for Troubleshooting Errors with Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 210170


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Basic Web Viewer 14 documentation for errors presented that requires more supporting information:


Web Viewer 14.0


Apache Tomcat

WebSphere Liberty


New Troubleshooting Logging

The product logging subsystem has been improved:
  • The sample logging configuration file (log4j2.xml) has been simplified.
  • Changes to the logging configuration can be automatically applied without the need to restart the product.
  • Broadcom support can now request selective logging verbosity for particular product code areas.

Please refer to the Administrating > Product Logging section in the documentation for details.


Old Troubleshooting Logging

Supply Tomcat task  output at Debug Level If Problem is reproducible

(below LU130470)
  1. The Tomcat task being used for the Web Viewer 14 application needs to be identified
      - The default name begins with the "CAHV*" prefix.                                                         
  2. There are 2 places to set the Logging Level that will be output to the STDOUT DSN of the Tomcat Started Task.
      - It is best to have the entire Tomcat Started Task output sent when all the possible logging has been completed.

Setting Logging  for DEBUG level output

- These outputs will be located in the STDOUT DSN

  1. For Tomcat to set or verify setting of the Web Viewer 14 Logging level, open the file:
    under the defined directory:
    CAHVHOME assigned during the Web Viewer 14 install process  
  2. In the Configfile.cfg, find the "LOGLEVEL" parameter

  3. Set it to "DEBUG" as below.  The setting must be terminated with the semicolon (;)
    // Specify the logging level (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE or ALL)

    #NOTE 1 - The Configfile.cfg file is only read at startup, so changes do require restarting the Tomcat task
    #NOTE 2 - This will log all Web Viewer 14 activity after the Tomcat task is running and available.

  4. For logging that includes all startup information, like Tomcat, Database, and Web Viewer initializations.
    >Under the defined directory:
    There is a second file:

  5. In the Log configuration file (log4j2.xml) look for the line:
    <Property name="contentViewerLogLevel">info
    And change it to: 
    <Property name="contentViewerLogLevel">debug
    #NOTE: This file change will only output data up until the Tomcat started task is fully initialized and available.
  6. Reproduce the problem and send in the documentation.

After documentation is secured with problem reproduced, revert any debug statements back to info.

Supply WebSphere Liberty task output at Debug Level If Problem is reproducible

There are 2 places to set the Logging Level that will be output to the STDOUT for WebSphere Liberty.

Setting Logging  for DEBUG level output

  1. To set or verify setting of the Web Viewer 14 Logging level, open the file:
    under the defined directory:
    For WebSphere Liberty CAWVHOME is specified in the server.env file.  See Set CAWVHome Variable
  2. In the Configfile.cfg, find the "LOGLEVEL" parameter
  3. Set it to "DEBUG" as below.  The setting must be terminated with the semicolon (;)
    // Specify the logging level (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE or ALL)
  4. In the Log configuration file (log4j2.xml) look for the line:
    <Property name="contentViewerLogLevel">info
    And change it to:
    <Property name="contentViewerLogLevel">debug
  5. Recycle Web Viewer
  6. Reproduce the problem.
  7. Send in the complete output of the WebSphere Liberty task
  8. Reset any debug statements back to info.
  9. Recycle Web Viewer

If the problem is not reproducible at this time

Send the following documentation:

  1. Complete Web Viewer 14 Tomcat task output for time of error OR Compete WebSphere Liberty task output
  2. The Configfile.cfg located at the CAHVHOME directory level. (This contains the settings information for the application)
  3. Log4j2.xml
      NOTE: The full names of the files are listed in the Web Viewer log (STDOUT DD of the Tomcat server or STDOUT for WebSphere Liberty.):
        CAHVS0020I Parameter configuration file: …  (Configfile.cfg)
        CAHVS0010I Log configuration file: …  (Log4j2.xml)

Additional Information

IMPORTANT:  These files are ascii files. Use  ISPF option 3.17 to  EA (Edit ASCII)

DEBUG - from log4j2.xml is used during startup
DEBUG set in config file is used after web Viewer reads the config file
Can also write files to View and tell log4j2.xml not to write the files
In Started task for Web Viewer could set up output so it gets written into a view file and it gets archived in View as a report