Is there a way to uninstall all the plugins at one go using the command line?
Client Automation - All Versions
The ITCM agent plugins can be uninstalled using the following MSIEXEC commands.
CA Basic Inventory agent
msiexec /x {501C99B9-1644-4FC2-833B-E675572F8929} /l*v "c:\logs\rmbiagt.log" /qn
CA Asset Management Agent
msiexec /x {624FA386-3A39-4EBF-9CB9-C2B484D78B29} /l*v "c:\logs\rmamagt.log" /qn
CA Asset Management Performance LiteAgent
msiexec /x {B6588B4E-CF7C-4FF7-AC15-62A8FFD2A506} /l*v "c:\logs\rmplagt.log" /qn
CA Systems Performance LiteAgent
msiexec /x {019094B6-40C9-45AE-A799-CCA2D6AA66A6} /l*v "c:\logs\rmsplagt.log" /qn
CA Remote Control Agent
msiexec /x {84288555-A79E-4ABD-BA53-219C4D2CA20B} /l*v "c:\logs\rmrcagt.log" /qn
CA Software Delivery Agent
msiexec /x {62ADA55C-1B98-431F-8618-CDF3CE4CFEEC} /l*v "c:\logs\rmsdagt.log" /qn
Scalability Server
msiexec /x {9654079C-BA1E-4628-8403-C7272FF1BD3E} /l*v "c:\windows\temp\rmserver.log" /qn
Data Transport Service
msiexec /x {C0C44BF2–E5E0–4C02–B9D3–33C691F060EA} /l*v "c:\windows\temp\rmdts.log" /qn
CA Connection Broker Service
msiexec.exe /x {25CCFBFE-BDE1-43F8-B078-C9AC89B21AF2} /qn
CA Message Queuing Server (CAM)
camdeins.exe -s
Go to the folder "..\CA\SC\CAPKI\Windows\x86\32" and run the following command:
Uninstaller.exe remove caller=CADSMCAPKI Verbose
Note: You can write a script with the individual commands to uninstall all the plugins.
For a complete listing of ITCM product codes, please refer to: