Increasing governor limits beyond critical limit
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Increasing governor limits beyond critical limit


Article ID: 210157


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Clarity PPM On Premise


There is a business need to increase document size limit to 700 MB in clarity. Is it possible to increase the governor limit beyond the critical limit?


Clarity Release 16.0.3


Document size limit is defined based on DMS_DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE


The governor limit DMS_DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE out of the box is set to 20 MB, and a critical limit (maximum value) is 50 MB. The system does not allow to increase governor limits beyond the permissible limit, and it is neither recommended nor supported to increase the current limit past the critical limit by a direct database update.

Clarity admin can increase the document size to a supported level via the following command on the clarity server:

admin governors -set DMS_DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE 50


Additional Information

To find out more on the governor limits in clarity please refer to the product documentation reference