SYSVIEW: CThresholds - LIFETIME and RUNTIME missing information "*"
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SYSVIEW: CThresholds - LIFETIME and RUNTIME missing information "*"


Article ID: 210125


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Setting Thresholds and Alerts...
There are 2 similar alerts LIFETIME and RUNTIME which are flagging high values over the Warning/Problem level.
But when the information is sent to the console(WTO) and to the API, it is missing.
What the transaction is and who is running it. 
 Both always set to '*'.

What is most interesting is the 'other' RUNTIME event message type - NOT TRANSYS  this is TRANDYN and it does include the TranID Tran# and UserID
How to only use the TRANDYN version?  

This is what is defined
Variable  Jobname   Resource1 Resource2
LIFETIME  =_______  =_______  =_______
Description     Life time of transaction________________
Attributes-----------------  Notification----------  Event Capture---------
Rule Type       UPPER___     WTO Message YES         Trigger Level NONE____
Type            SYSTEM__     Log Message YES         Interval      00:15:00
Trigger Level   STATUS__     SMF Record  YES         Event Member  *_______
Problem Limit   9.000000
Warning Limit   6.750000     OPS/MVS---------------  GSS Intelligent Module
Warning Pct     75_          Notify      YES         Run   NO_             
Duration        2__          Event ID    CAGSVY0001  IMOD  *_______________
Alert Priority  0__ 
Disabled        NO_          SNMP Trap-------------  Transaction Cancel----
Schedule-------------------  Send        NO_         Cancel Action NOCANCEL
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat  Group List  *_______    Cancel Limit  10.00000
Begin Time 00:00:00________
End Time   23:59:59________

Variable  Jobname   Resource1 Resource2                                    
RUNTIME   =_______  =_______  =_______                                     
Description     Run time - (LIFETIME-DSPDELAY)__________                   
Attributes-----------------  Notification----------  Event Capture---------
Rule Type       UPPER___     WTO Message YES         Trigger Level NONE____
Type            *_______     Log Message YES         Interval      00:15:00
Trigger Level   STATUS__     SMF Record  YES         Event Member  *_______
Problem Limit   5.000000                                                   
Warning Limit   3.750000     OPS/MVS---------------  GSS Intelligent Module
Warning Pct     75_          Notify      NO_         Run   NO_             
Duration        2__          Event ID    CAGSVY0001  IMOD  *_______________
Alert Priority  0__                                                        
Disabled        NO_          SNMP Trap-------------  Transaction Cancel----
Schedule-------------------  Send        NO_         Cancel Action NOCANCEL
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat  Group List  *_______    Cancel Limit  30.00000
SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT                                                
Begin Time 00:00:00________                                                
End Time   23:59:59________                                                

And this is what is seeing 

03MAR 06:35:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W   GSVC100W (SDCS) TRANSYS TRANS LIFETIME * * NORMAL PROBLEM                                      
03MAR 06:35:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            V= 00:29:59 W= 6.750000 P= 9.000000 UPPER 00:28:00                                    
03MAR 06:35:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            PGCICSWU * * * *                                                                      
03MAR 06:35:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Desc='Life time of transaction '                                                      
03MAR 06:35:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Policy=00189F80                                                                       
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU API CAGSVY0001 TRANSYS TRANS LIFETIME * * NORMAL PROBLEM V= 00:29:59 W= 6.750000 P= 9.000000 UPPER 00:28:00 PG
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I Variables          Values                                                             
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.APPLICATION  =SYSVIEW                                                             
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.VERSION      =16.0.01                                                             
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.LEVEL        =00010990                                                            
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.ID           =CAGSVY0001                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.COLOR        =.                                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.GROUP        =TRANS                                                               
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.NAME         =LIFETIME                                                            
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.DESCRIPTION  =Life time of transaction                                            
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.RSCE1        =*                                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.RSCE2        =*                                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.STATUS       =PROBLEM                                                             
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.VALUE        =00:29:59                                                            
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.ELAPSED      =00:28:00                                                            
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I API.TEXT         =TRANSYS TRANS LIFETIME * * NORMAL PROBLEM V= 00:29:59 W= 6.750000 P=
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P01    Exception type     =TRANSYS                                                    
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P02    Metric group       =TRANS                                                      
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P03    Metric name        =LIFETIME                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P04    Resource 1         =*                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P05    Resource 2         =*                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P06    Old metric status  =NORMAL                                                     
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P07    New metric status  =PROBLEM                                                    
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P08    'V='               =V=                                                         
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P09    Metric value       =00:29:59                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P10    'W='               =W=                                                         
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P11    Except warn limit  =6.750000                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P12    'P='               =P=                                                         
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P13    Except problem lmt =9.000000                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P14    Except rule type   =UPPER                                                      
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P15    time from lst note =00:28:00                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P16    CICS jobname       =PGCICSWU                                                   
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P17    Transaction ID     =*                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P18    Transaction number =*                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P19    Terminal ID        =*                                                          
03MAR 06:35:00 PGCICSWU MSG OPS1000I   OPS1000I P20    User ID            =*   

RUNTIME    in TRANSYS format
03MAR 05:11:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            V= 5.692974 W= 3.750000 P= 5.000000 UPPER 00:25:59
03MAR 05:11:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            HXBCICS * * * *                                   
03MAR 05:11:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Desc='Run time - (LIFETIME-DSPDELAY) '            
03MAR 05:11:00 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Policy=00186970                                   

RUNTINE in TRANDYN format.... 
03MAR 06:47:15 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            V= 14.61769 W= 3.750000 P= 5.000000 UPPER 0.000000         
03MAR 06:47:15 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            HXECICS HWB2 9985 * HXCICS0                                
03MAR 06:47:15 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Desc='Run time - (LIFETIME-DSPDELAY) '                     
03MAR 06:47:15 CONSOLE  MSG GSVC100W            Policy=00186970                                                                                                   


Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


Instead of turning off the collection of SYSTEM data, change the threshold.  In this case there were 2 thresholds for LIFETIME - one with a TYPE of SYSTEM and the other with a TYPE of TRANS. 
The SYSTEM one had OPSMVS set to YES and TRANS was set to NO - Once those were swapped it gives only data for the running transactions and always gives the USERID and TRANSACTION  

This also worked the same for RUNTIME 

Name     Jobname  Resourc1 Resourc2 Limit     Pct  Warning  Type     RuleType Pri Dur TrigLvl  Disabled Count Msg Log SMF OPSMVS
LIFETIME =        =        =        10.00000  75   7.500000 SYSTEM   UPPER      0   2  STATUS  NO           1 YES YES YES NO    
.        =        =        =        10.00000  75   7.500000 TRANS    UPPER      0   2  STATUS  NO             YES YES YES YES   
RUNTIME  =        =        =        9.000000  75   6.750000 TRANS    UPPER      0   2  STATUS  NO             YES YES YES YES



Additional Information

TRANDYN and TRANEND thresholds occur for an individual instance/execution of a transaction.

02.37.48 STC45508  GSVC500W (SDCS)TRANDYN CICS_TRAN_CICS_LifeTime  608        
   608                      Scope ITC2K155Name XYZ1 Qual * Task 77 Userid CICST
   608                      V=47.20739 W=45.00000 P=00:01:00 UPPER NORMAL WARNIN
   608                      0.000000                                            
   608                      Policy 01173130                          

For example, tran XYZ1 runs, and if it exists long enough it may trip a TRANDYN (TRANDYN is checked on an interval), and/or when it ends it may trip a TRANEND.
When XYZ1 terminates SYSVIEW also checks the CSTATUS definitions (which are data collection blocks) to see if it matches any of those entries. If it does then the stats for BN3J are added into each matching CSTATUS entry (like LIFETIME = =, CPUTIME = =, etc.).
Out of the box there are fully wildcarded CSTATUS entries for about 19 metrics, including CPUTIME and LIFETIME. So when XYZ1 ends (or any other tranid) it's stats get added into the summary stats for each of those metrics.
TRANSYS thresholds are processed once a minute, and are processed against the data in these CSTATUS collection blocks for the transaction-level metrics like CPUTIME, LIFETIME, etc. 
Take the LIFETIME = entry for example: if 10 trans executed over the past minute, then the LIFETIME value for that entry would be the average lifetime of those 10 trans, which would be compared against any LIFETIME thresholds.
On CSTATUS you can also define your own collection blocks, say specifically for BN3J:
When a XYZ1 tran ends the lifetime value for it would get added into both the LIFETIME = entry and the LIFETIME XYZ1 entry.
At the end of the minute threshold processing would occur and you could get a GSVC500 TRANSYS trip for both of these entries, Scope ITC2K155 Name = and Scope ITC2K155 Name XYZ1.
Any CTHRESH transaction-level thresholds (like CPUTIME, LIFETIME, etc.) that have a Type of * or SYSTEM will be processed against whatever CSTATUS data collection blocks exist for that metric name, as GSVC500 TRANSYS. 
A Type of * means that threshold is eligible for both TRANDYN/TRANEND and TRANSYS.
A Type of TRANS means the threshold is eligible only for TRANDYN/TRANEND (a single transaction execution) - no TRANSYS processing will occur for it against the CSTATUS entries.
The TSUMxxxx entries are added to CSTATUS automatically, and stats are accumulated in them when transactions end same as described above. Then once a minute any TSUMxxxx CTHRESH entries are processed against the CSTATUS collection buckets and would trip as GSVC500 TRANSUMM.
Please explain why some messages are TRANDYN and others TRANSYS, 
TRANSYS is not new, this type of threshold processing has always existed (or at least for a very long time). The specific mention of it is in the help for message GSVC500 (or GSVC100 pre-17.0):
The fields in the message contain the following information:
<type>            The type of exception checking.           
                  Possible values:                          
                     SYSTEM    - System data collection     
                     TRANDYN   - Transaction - dynamic      
                     TRANEND   - Transaction - end of task  
                     TRANSYS   - Transaction - system data  
                     TRANSUMM  - Transaction - summary      
The * and SYSTEM values for the Type field on RULES are mentioned in the command help (or on CTHRESH pre-17.0):
| Type             | Exception check type.                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | This keyword defines the data collection         |
|                  | process type that is eligible to use the         |
|                  | exception definition.                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | CICS transaction based metrics can be processed  |
|                  | by the transaction and system data collection    |
|                  | processors. Separate definitions can be created  |
|                  | for each processor. If the "Type" is defined as  |
|                  | "*", then the definition is eligible to be used  |
|                  | by both collection processors.                   |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | Valid values are:                                |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  |    *        - Valid for all collection           |
|                  |               processes. If the metric is        |
|                  |               not transaction based, specifying  |
|                  |               "*" will automatically choose      |
|                  |               the correct check type.            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  |    SYSTEM   - Only valid for the system data     |
|                  |               collection process.                |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  |    TIMER    - Only valid for timers.             |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  |    TRANS    - Only valid for the transaction     |
|                  |               data collection process.           |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  |    TRANSUMM - Only valid for the transaction     |
|                  |               summary data collection process.   |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | This field is displayed if the THRESHOLDS        |
|                  | parameter is specified.                          |
All of the threshold processing is done the same as before. The TRANDYN processing is independent of the TRANSYS and TRANSUMM checking.
Just be current on 17.0 maintenance as there were some hiper bugs in this area (LU09757, LU09347, LU08378, LU07350 etc.)