CA-Endevor CSV Reporting File and the NOCSV Option
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CA-Endevor CSV Reporting File and the NOCSV Option


Article ID: 21003


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench CA 2E


In the CSV reporting utility there is an option called NOCSV which will generate raw data for use within a customer's program. The general consensus was that the data produced via the option NOCSV was the same as when not using the option; well that is wrong, the data is not the same.


In the CSV reporting utility there is an option called NOCSV which will generate raw data for use within a customer's program. The general consensus was that the data produced via the option NOCSV was the same as when not using the option; well that is wrong, the data is not the same.

The purpose of the CSV file and NOCSV file are different. The main purpose of the CSV file is to be able to be uploaded in excel format and to be reported upon by tools that can read .CSV or .XLS(x) extensions. The purpose of the file created using the NOCSV option is to supply the raw data to be used in a customer's program and handle according to the program's needs.

Example of the one area that does not match up: Package Back-out Y/N , as result of the LIST ELEMENT function.

In the NOCSV format the output represents the data as it appears in the MCF record:

 	2012122405021602PKGA 2012122405020725PKGA 


In the CSV format this becomes:



One can see that the CSV data has been reformatted, not in the same order and the "Y" has been added to the CSV format to indicate that package is backed-out. In the CSV file the "Y" is in column "CH".

Now the question becomes how does the CSV Utility determine that a package is backed-out?

Answer: It compares the source package and target package name and timestamp. If they match the PKG is not 'backed-out'.