After adding the dataset to VLF then how will the modules will retrieve from by (VLF,PMO,Qfetch)?
Release : 4.4
Component : CA-PMO for OS/390
Component : CA-Quickfetch for OS/390
VLF processes PDS and PDSE libraries that LLA tells it to process. The data sets could be in the LNKLST or not in the LNKLST.
QF only handles the data sets it is told as well BUT not any that are PDSEs.
You could have VLF manage specific PDSE data sets and have QF manage non-PDSE data sets.
PMO is not involved with this particular process. PMO does not manage PDSE files, LLA does manage PDSE files. PMO handles
LNKLST datasets and non LNKLST datasets.